Sunday, December 16, 2012

Doodle 138 - Ermine

Next up on the giveaway is this cute ermine mask:

Ermine Mask - blue mechanical pencil, watercolor and micron pen on watercolor paper. Aprox 1 hr.

Remember, if you already won one of the animal masks you can't win another, buuut you can enter for fun though!

And now, for the challenge:

I thought about different things I could ask, Andrei came up with ideas I'll probably use next, but for now let's have a small scavenger hunt.

  • An octopus
  • A parrot
  • A chicken
And take a photo of the three together.

I understand finding these things in one place in nature is nearly impossible... if you do, please do tell me the story of how the three of them met and started sharing quarters because I am sure it would be a fascinating tale.

But be creative, anything goes (apart from Photoshop).

Remember, the three things have to be together in one photo, they do not need to be "alive" things *hint* *hint*.

Once you take the photo post it on my facebook page.
The deadline for this entry is tomorrow, Monday Dec. 17 at 10:00 P.M. E.T.

PS: I will judge the photos and announce a winner, so you have until the deadline to come up with something and post it.

Good luck!!!

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